Our Novelty classes are an annual favourite at the Weald of Kent Ploughing Match with classes for the Best combination, Cutest Point and even Fancy Dress. Please join the fun to show off your ponies and your creative skills.
You can also enjoy your favourite games on horseback with our Gymkhana. Races will include anything from bending, flag race, tack race and cups to getting your face wet with some apple bobbing. Please click here for the entry form- all entries can be made either in advance or on the day.
The horse show is kindly sponsored by Mark Scott Arenas and we thank our additional class sponsors outlined in the schedule for their continued support of this great event. Entries for the Gymkhana and novelty classes will be taken on the day.
The horse show is kindly sponsored by Mark Scott Arenas and we thank our additional class sponsors outlined in the schedule for their continued support of this great event.